

Whiskylover qui donne ses notes et raconte des anecdotes avec une l'aide de collaborateurs foodies. I'm no expert, but fanatic! I write my tasting notes and tell anecdotes. J'ai la chance de goûter à des trucs exceptionnels. Telle une éponge, j'absorbe les infos et les connaissances liées au whisky que je partage. With collaborators and a foodie's twist.

NDLR : I’m Canadian so my blog is sometimes in French, sometimes in English | Étant canadienne, mon blog est parfois en anglais, parfois en français. Je suis Miss D.r.a.m comme dans : "Je vais boire un dram de whisky." (Un petite quantité, techniquement moins qu'un verre). | I’m Miss D.r.a.m., like in : "I'm having a dram of whisky." (a small quantity, less than a glass).

4 nov. 2013

Yours to Discover : Whisky Live Toronto (Part 1)

The Aventure
After a 9 hours drive from #Quebec City, we finally get to Toronto. I’m with the boys - Ben and Pat, whisky fanatics. I didn’t sleep because it’s like Christmas when I was a kid. Got up super early, excited and we were gone, singing Irish tunes (not). For us, this is a pilgrimage. We have to stop at the LCBO before checking in the hotel (many products are not in SAQ like Heart Of Gold - Forty Creek and other bottles are cheaper at the LCBO). We need a few drinks before the show starts. Beer included. Warming up our palates. Or so we think. Then, once in the big room, we are going ballistic! (We lost Ben too - some chick he said...) 

I'm a little surprised, not so many companies and theirs brands, but it was not a bad thing. We had time to meet great people and tasted great stuff before the general public came in (or should I say the "herd" of people). As VIPs, we came at 4pm (good thing to buy). We were on a mission and the strategy was to meet with reps or ambassadors or owners and taste intriguing whiskies, novelties or stuff only available in Tasmania. We ended up meeting awesome people from micro distilleries (we stayed with them 2 hrs). I talked about craft whisky before, but this was FUN! Ontario micro distilleries rock! I met the owners from Dillon’s - Small Batch Distillers, TorontoDistillery Co., and of course, Still Waters. I listened to their journeys and I can’t wait to taste their aged whisky in a couple of years. We talked about how tough the business is. We talked about how many headaches the laws in Ontario gave them and how the LCBO take their profits and so on. These guys have BALLS! I just have to say: Keep up with the good work (and visually - you all nailed your image). Really. My Coup de Coeur: Stalk and Barrel Single Malt Whisky - Cask #2

The Other Blogger
I had the chance to meet again with awesome people like Frank Biskupek from The Glenlivet. I just love him. I also met in person Johanne McInnis (@whiskylassie). We talked through Twitter before but never met. I had the privilege to talk to her over a dram of Shackleton’s Journey – Mackinlay’s Rare Old Highland Malt (very good product, way too expensive).  And I had also the pleasure to visit Still Waters with her the next day. Luckily for me, she’s coming to #Quebec City next week. As a woman of influence in the industry and a judge at the Canadian Whisky Awards, I’m just eager to learn more from her.

The After Party…

Crap. I have so many other stories.

To be continued…