

Whiskylover qui donne ses notes et raconte des anecdotes avec une l'aide de collaborateurs foodies. I'm no expert, but fanatic! I write my tasting notes and tell anecdotes. J'ai la chance de goûter à des trucs exceptionnels. Telle une éponge, j'absorbe les infos et les connaissances liées au whisky que je partage. With collaborators and a foodie's twist.

NDLR : I’m Canadian so my blog is sometimes in French, sometimes in English | Étant canadienne, mon blog est parfois en anglais, parfois en français. Je suis Miss D.r.a.m comme dans : "Je vais boire un dram de whisky." (Un petite quantité, techniquement moins qu'un verre). | I’m Miss D.r.a.m., like in : "I'm having a dram of whisky." (a small quantity, less than a glass).

12 févr. 2015

I stopped drinking whisky.

Well, not really. I did stopped drinking whisky…almost a year ago. On February 23, 2014 to be more accurate. My last drink was a Laphroaig 18Y0. A classic every one should have – but I picked it up for no particular reason. Being pregnant with my first child, the decision to “go sober” for the next 9 months or more was an easy decision to make.  Giving up whisky for my baby was a good decision but being so much in love with whisky and being so much involved in the world of whisky, made it a real party pooper.

My post this week, part of my #backfrompregnancy process, got me thinking. How the other women, passionate about whisky, dealt with that – if they had? I know someone from the Club who was pregnant almost at the same time I was and I think it was not easy for her either. What about the others? I guess female master distillers, whisky judges, whisky journalists or bloggers had their kids younger and maybe they were not into whisky at that time. I don’t know.  Or I’m actually asking…. Your thoughts ladies ?

Where some find it easy to stop drinking while pregnant, others, like me, missed it very much. Not that I couldn’t live without it because I had the greatest motivation, but it was something missing in my very fat life.

The priorities change too.  During this “dry spell”, I tried to keep my blog up to date (not so good at it) but my priorities had changed. At least, I kept going to tastings nights and I kept myself up to date. I bought whiskies on my different trips, but it was not the same because I couldn’t taste any. I use all my sample bottles and now I have quite a backlog of tasting notes to do!

And, I just don’t drink whenever I want.  Still breastfeeding, it remains a challenge because I have to manage time and try to find the best moment to taste whisky in between my baby’s lunches… Not to mention my goal to cook more with whisky and share my experiments with Minou (by the way, Minou has a blog on beer now - very fun and full of info on microbreweries and their products :: Orge Overdose) 

Some "minis" awaiting to be tasted
Coming back officially to tasting nights at the Club was great. Sitting and sipping with other members and talking whisky was very nice, but I’m going to start this new blog era (!) with tasting notes from by backlog basket. 

I could have also titled my post: “From Hong Kong With Love” because both bottles are from HK. First, a bottle part of a trio only fund on the travel retail - from Bowmore. The other 2, next on my wish list, are Black Rock and Gold Reef. It will be fun to compare them. Finally, Trinité - from the Singleton Reserve Collection of Glen Ord. Could eventually be compare to her brother "Artisan", also on Asian Pacific travel retail.

Bowmore White Sands 17YO – 43% abv
There is a very subtle peated nose, which is a good sign. Sultana’s dry raisins simmered a couple of hours in a plum punch with apricots. In mouth, smoky, fruits like dates and some citrus which weld all the savours together on a seabed. It is very good and very well mature 17 YO. The small fruits are more present in the nose as time goes. There is also a bit of burned wood, almost ashes - just perfect balance! 90%

Singleton Trinity Reserve Collection – 40% abv
Nose : Anise, black liquorice. It is overlooked by a fruit salad and crème caramel. Taste : we find again our black liquorice, red pepper, vanilla and wood. The balance is a bit flat. Not so rich. The finale doesn’t linger at all so we could ask for more and more until we get it. I don’t know when since I didn’t finish the bottle (it wasn’t mine). This final is almond milk and vanilla. Banana and black cherry. 84%

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