

Whiskylover qui donne ses notes et raconte des anecdotes avec une l'aide de collaborateurs foodies. I'm no expert, but fanatic! I write my tasting notes and tell anecdotes. J'ai la chance de goûter à des trucs exceptionnels. Telle une éponge, j'absorbe les infos et les connaissances liées au whisky que je partage. With collaborators and a foodie's twist.

NDLR : I’m Canadian so my blog is sometimes in French, sometimes in English | Étant canadienne, mon blog est parfois en anglais, parfois en français. Je suis Miss D.r.a.m comme dans : "Je vais boire un dram de whisky." (Un petite quantité, techniquement moins qu'un verre). | I’m Miss D.r.a.m., like in : "I'm having a dram of whisky." (a small quantity, less than a glass).

3 nov. 2015

Curiosity didn't killed the cat...

Recently, while enjoying a few quiet minutes, I found myself reading about beer, gin and rum. As I was reviewing the information and gaining knowledge, I certainly became more interested and curious about the last one. A slight itch I would call it. (and nothing happened, the cat wasn't killed.) This desire to know more about something new which, in hindsight, contrasts drastically with the way my passion for whisky initially took over me. As I blogged before, there was a time for me, when everything was all about whisky.  I mean - just whisky. Now, with Coconut, it's a little bit different since I have to find a balance between baby, sports and passions. I can remember that right from the onset, I have wanted to know everything there is to know about whisky. In depth. I never wanted to be the girl who knew a little bit about many different spirits;  I was becoming passionate about whisky and I wanted to know that subject from top to bottom and not just scrape the surface. Kayleigh Kulp (@boozeforbabes), the author of Booze for Babes is the perfect example of expert I can’t become. She is a spirit writer ! There are other women bloggers who know so much about many different alcohol. As far as I’m concerned, I'm just a whisky fan/aficionado - not an expert! (read whisky Lassie's blog about so called experts, I just love it) So, by focusing on one spirit, I am more comfortable sharing my passion for whisky.

But then, I told myself, do I really have to know A LOT about the other spirits? Nope. Maybe I just need to know a little bit to enjoy them better - without having to become a guru or a disciple. It's fun to know the basics of beer brewing and rum distilling and discover different flavors and enjoying them. Period. I can even relate to experiences and blog about them. Like our whisky-beer tasting Minou and I did. He did all the work and research. In depth - believe me. For that one, I listened to Minou and enjoyed. I did learn a lot though. And you know what ? I liked it. I like also like just being a spectator.

One reason I got more curious about rum lately is because friends of mine launched Quebec Rhum. Haven't been there yet, but I will go and talk about it. I like the way they do things, how they managed their shop. They are cuties themselves, the club's image is slick and the finish is classy. I rise my Glencairn to that :) I can't wait to have a rum tasting session and compare with my whisky sessions.  I'm also interested in tasting  rum not necessarily in a cocktail - the  essentials, like tasting whisky. I’m thrill to be a newby.

Baptiste, Maxime and Mathieu

In the meantime, I did some serious catching up with my whisky with and without Minou. I brought beautiful bottles from my trip in France I can't wait to taste. No deal, just bottles a little bit difficult to find in America. I'm not sure if I'm going to open them soon. I have quite a few waiting to be savored. There's been serious discussions on Facebook whisky groups about open bottles (how long they can be kept opened without turning into moonshine again). I have my own theory about it, but now I certainly need to do a serious rotation. With my pregnancy and breastfeeding, let me tell you about a slower drinking tempo !

So here is some catching up with Highland Park, Arran and Port Charlotte:

Highland Park Einar, 40% : Nose quite smoky, herbs, toasty vanilla, orange zest, even grapefruit. Taste, we are in the line of the basics of HP but it’s soft and quiet like a very warm summer night with fireworks at the end of the evening because of the buzzing spices. Not too pronounced or too strong like the famous viking. Honey to the palate. Final : long enough to enjoy every bit of sweet vanilla and smoky.

Arran 17YO, 46% : Nose, I taste very nice spices and some cherry. Red fruits like currant, a bit of cherry blossom on choco-caramel notes. Quite subtle at the beginning, but just be patient. We taste the island, a bite smoky, lightly peated with a salty side, Very interesting. But still the entire balance will bring sweetness and the fruit. I like it a lot. It’s even refreshing ! Drink it while celebrating any happy event and it will bring more joy t the day. Perfectly adequate.  90%

Port Scottish Barley Heavily Peated, 50% : Houray ! A nose worthy of the name we give it. It’s already wonderful for me. Real medicine from the island. Well balanced, perfect aftertaste. I love the vanilla notes going everywhere and nowhere. The more you drink, the more it is delicious. Spicy aromatic reminding me of green pepper. So, not so strong. let’s say a caramelised pepper. 91%